Maybe I am a glutton for punishment, but I just upgraded my laptop OS to Windows 7. I have a 16 inch HP laptop which ran 32 bit vista, but I decided to go ahead and take advantage of the Amazon low cost upgrade using the pre order. The software arrived on Friday, and I installed it on Saturday.
My experience with the upgrade was pretty benign. I ran the “upgrade advisor” and removed two programs: an HP program that I never used, and my ITUNES. The advisor told me that I had to remove the “keyboard filter” but when I could not find where that was located and I contacted HP tech support chat just ignored that warning. The actual upgrade took about three and half hours, including reinstalling my ITUNES so that I could synch my iphone to my computer again.
Once the installation was complete, I have not had any problems with the upgrade. However, I really don’t see any great benefit to the upgrade either. Besides, it is more difficult to find computer on the network now than it was under Vista.
In conclusion, I think if you have Vista and are satisfied, don’t bother with Windows 7. It is just not that compelling. More info to follow as I test some more.