This morning I went to the MVA to renew my Driver’s license. Normally this would not be something worthy of much comment, but the morning seemed to have a special quality to it. It was clear and cold: the outside thermometer read 11 deg F when I left. The air was so dry and clear that it seemed to crackle. There was a thin layer of ice EVERYWHERE. This is what a row of trees looked like in the parking lot of the Frederick MVA office. They looked so pretty: like they had been dipped in icing that dried: you could see all the structure of the trees but it was all coated in ice.
By about 1000 the sun had melted it, so only those who stopped to look at it this morning got to see it. I only had my camera phone with me, but this picture will give you the general idea.
Here is a view of a single one of the trees: